Who doesn’t require visa?
Nationals of the countries listed below do not require visas to enter Zambia. However, just like other non-citizen and non-residents arriving in Zambia by Air, they must be in possession of valid return air tickets. Those arriving by land and water must have enough funds for their stay in and departure from Zambia.
1 | Åland Islands | 57 | Gibraltar | 113 | Norway |
2 | Albania | 58 | Gibraltar | 114 | Oman |
3 | American Samoa | 59 | Greece | 115 | Palau |
4 | Andorra | 60 | Greenland | 116 | Panama |
5 | Angola | 61 | Grenada | 117 | Papua New Guinea |
6 | Anguilla | 62 | Guadeloupe | 118 | Pitcairn |
7 | Antigua and Barbud | 63 | Guam | 119 | Poland |
8 | Argentina | 64 | Guatemala | 120 | Portugal |
9 | Aruba | 65 | Guyana | 121 | Qatar |
10 | Australia | 66 | Honduras | 122 | Réunion |
11 | Australian Antarctic Territory | 67 | Hong Kong | 123 | Romania |
12 | Austria | 68 | Hungary | 124 | Ross Dependency |
13 | Azores | 69 | Iceland | 125 | Saint Helena |
14 | Bahamas | 70 | Iraq | 126 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
15 | Bahrain | 71 | Ireland | 127 | Saint Lucia |
16 | Barbados | 72 | Isle of Man | 128 | Saint Martin |
17 | Belgium | 73 | Israel | 129 | Saint Vincent and Grenadines |
18 | Belize | 74 | Italy | 130 | Samoa |
19 | Bermuda | 75 | Jamaica | 131 | San Marino |
20 | Bhutan | 76 | Japan | 132 | Sandwich Islands |
21 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 77 | Kenya | 133 | Saotome and Principe |
22 | Botswana | 78 | Kiribati | 134 | Saudi Arabia |
23 | Bouvet Island | 79 | Kuwait | 135 | Serbia and Montenegro |
24 | British Antarctic Territory | 80 | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | 136 | Seychelles |
25 | British Indian Ocean Territory | 81 | Latvia | 137 | Singapore |
26 | British Virgin Islands | 82 | Lesotho | 138 | Slovakia |
27 | Brunei Darussalam | 83 | Liberia | 139 | Slovenia |
28 | Bulgaria | 84 | Liechtenstein | 140 | Solomon Islands |
29 | Canada | 85 | Lithuania | 141 | South Africa |
30 | Canary Islands | 86 | Luxembourg | 142 | South Georgia and the South |
31 | Cape Verde | 87 | Macedonia | 143 | South Korea |
32 | Cayman Islands | 88 | Madagascar | 144 | Spain |
33 | Channel Islands | 89 | Madeira | 145 | Suriname |
34 | China | 90 | Malawi | 146 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands |
35 | Christmas Island | 91 | Malaysia | 147 | Swaziland |
36 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 92 | Maldives | 148 | Sweden |
37 | Comoros | 93 | Malta | 149 | Switzerland |
38 | Cook Islands | 94 | Marshall Islands | 150 | Tanzania |
39 | Costa Rica | 95 | Martinique | 151 | Tokelau |
40 | Croatia | 96 | Mauritius | 152 | Tonga |
41 | Cyprus | 97 | Mayotte | 153 | Trinidad and Tobago |
42 | Czech Republic | 98 | Micronesia, Federated States Of | 154 | Turkey |
43 | Denmark | 99 | Moldova, Republic of | 155 | Turks and Caicos Islands |
44 | Dominica | 100 | Monaco | 156 | Tuvalu |
45 | Dominican Republic | 101 | Montserrat | 157 | Uganda |
46 | Estonia | 102 | Morocco | 158 | Ukraine |
47 | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 103 | Mozambique | 159 | United Arab Emirates |
48 | Falkland Islands Dependencies | 104 | Namibia | 160 | United Kingdom |
49 | Faroe Islands | 105 | Nauru | 161 | United States of America |
50 | Fiji Islands | 106 | Netherlands | 162 | Vanuatu |
51 | Finland | 107 | Netherlands Antilles | 163 | Vatican City State |
52 | France | 108 | New Caledonia | 164 | Virgin Islands |
53 | French Guiana | 109 | New Zealand | 165 | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
54 | French Polynesia | 110 | Niue | 166 | Western Samoa |
55 | French Southern Territories | 111 | Norfolk Island | 167 | Zimbabwe |
56 | Germany | 112 | Northern Mariana Islands |