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Welcome Remarks by the Chair of the Experts’ Committee of the AU STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs at the Benchmarking and Capacity Building Meeting for AU Member States and RECs Focal Points on Migration Governance

08-07-2024 – It is with great pleasure that we are meeting for this crucial Benchmarking and Capacity Building Meeting for the AU Member States and RECs here in Cotonou, Benin, at the Azalai Hotel. We stand at a significant moment in our collective effort to advance migration governance across the African continent…Read More

Launch of the National Migration Policy and the National Policy on Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Zambia and on my own behalf, I am pleased that today we are launching the two policies…Read more

The Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Hon. Jack J. Mwiimbu, MP, launches the National Migration Policy and the National Policy on Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants

Visa Requirement Waiver for Selected Countries – Hon. Jacob Jack Mwiimbu, MP.

Following the presentation of the 2023 Budget by the Honourable Minister of Finance and National Planning on 30th September 2022…Read more

Opening Statement by the Director General and Chair of the Experts of the 4th  STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs

It is with great honour that I welcome you all to the 7th Pan-African Forum on Migration (PAFOM) which is convening under the topical theme…Read more

The Director General, Dr. Japhet M. Lishomwa, addressing Experts of the 4th STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs